
Spray-seeding Surface substrate2

Product Series > Repair substrate series > Spray-seeding Surface substrate2

Spray-seeding Surface substrate2

1) Specification: non-compression capacity 50L±2L

2) Basic Technical Parameters

                             N+P2O5+K2O≥3%, organic matter ≥50%, pH value: 5.5-7.5,

3) Scope of Application

4) Ecological restoration of a wide variety of bare side slopes, including express highway side slopes, railway side slopes, mines, etc.

四平市| 即墨市| 灵寿县| 乐山市| 河南省| 台东市| 武安市| 应用必备| 芜湖市| 阜平县| 博客| 小金县| 政和县| 陇西县| 玉龙| 蒲城县| 崇明县| 上犹县| 江北区| 阿拉善右旗| 得荣县| 名山县| 黔西县| 建湖县| 正宁县| 辽中县| 晋江市| 米林县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 庐江县| 罗山县| 昌都县| 定边县| 郁南县| 封丘县| 兴化市| 潜江市| 甘泉县| 兰坪| 岳池县| 阳曲县|