1. It features low elongation and high tensile strength. One single fibre can create tension as heavy as 25 kg. It is suitable for laying on a wide range of slopes and it can dramatically reduce the workload of side slope restoration.
2. With high corrosion resistance, it can be degraded into organic soil in 3-5 years under general biodegradation conditions.
3. Boasting high resistance, coir meshes can resist rain wash runoff as high as 3 m/s when side slopes are not covered by any vegetation and wash runoff as high as 6 m/s in the case of dense vegetation. This resistance is twice higher than general turf, so coir meshes can protect soil and reduce water loss and soil erosion.
4. Coir meshes features heat absorption, thermal insulation and moisture preservation and this promotes sprouting and growth of vegetations.
5. With ideal management effect and low maintenance cost, coir meshes can replace plastic three-dimensional network and substitute framework slope protection.
Ecological restoration and landscaping of express highways, railways, embankments, river levees, hills with bare side slopes due to a wide range of excavation and filling, mines, rock side slopes and sliding slopes.